1. About us
We are a group of networking technology enthusiasts who could not stand by the sidelines seeing what is happening in the present world and how the basic values of freedom in the world civilization are being eroded. We decided to get involved! We are 1984 Group.
2. Our core values
Our main values include the protection of Human Rights in the field of privacy of communication and freedom of self-expression. We want to bring these values to the humanity through this manifesto and build a strong foundation for the highly technological society of the future. We want to contribute to the development of self-regulating society, humanism and freedom.
3. How it all started?
In the fast paced world that we live in today filled with wide array of information technologies, reliable communication became one of the most important components of our lives. It all began when the first bit of data was sent over to the ARPANet and the first connection happened. Suddenly we have entered into the new dimension, the informational space. From then on, communication channels wrapped our planet tightly and gave us the possibility to transfer hundreds of terabytes of data at an instant.
4. Connected people
Networks gave us the most important element – Freedom. Everyone got an opportunity to express their opinions and views on any topic on the Internet. Ease of access to the information made it impossible to hide any news from the public. Censorship was almost nonexistent. Many services like e-mail started to gain popularity. However, the ease with which we could share information created an illusion of confidentiality just like an e-mail gave us an illusion that the contents of the letter would remain confidential and would not be read by unreliable mailman. We simply forgot that all our activities could be tracked and data could be used for other purposes by the government and unfortunately that is exactly what happened.
5. Assault on the Internet
Governments of almost all developed countries started to lead invisible war with their main enemy – the free society. All words and statements regarding freedom, democracy and fundamental principles on which our world was built were just a mere campaign to control and fool people. Under the legend of freedom and democracy an ideal police-run-state was formed where the life of every subject had to be fully standardized and known.
Democracy in its original meaning – the “rule of the people” – is just another illusion. By controlling mass media, governments are able to create desirable trends and distribute them to masses. Any deviations from these trends are considered unacceptable and are suppressed by the government right from their very beginning.
6. No one can control the Internet
Realizing the degree of freedom that networks provide to individuals, governments decided to subdue and destroy all promising developments in this field which increasingly began to appear in the modern world. Governments in partnership with largest IT corporations were at the avant-garde of this movement having the goal of complete information supremacy over the world. To achieve their goals governments were ready to take every unlawful and unethical step to intercept and analyze every single bit of data that was sent over any network. Governments used every possible method available, they installed hardware patches on networking devices, forced IT companies into illegal cooperation, created laws that legalized surveillance and collected private user data from the web
7. Selected individuals make billions of dollars from your data. They do not want to lose their source of income
Back in 1960s, George Orwell predicted the appearance of an ideal police-run-state in which the Thought Police arrested people right at the moment when people`s consciousness gave out the wrong information from the government`s perspective and the Ministry of Truth provided the society only with “right” sort of information, that went through the strict censorship. Orwell could not even presume that in the XXI century of high technology some countries would create the full analogy of his anti-utopia. With assistance of networks governments have got the full arsenal for surveillance on any individual. By taking under control the information flow they have the capability to suppress any dissidence from any individual at the early stage of data transfer over the network.
By filtering all unreliable information and providing users with information that is beneficial to them, the governments got a very powerful instrument of censorship into their hands. By intercepting phone calls, reading and analyzing e-mails and instant messages, the rulers of the technological governments couldn`t care less about the main document – The Constitution. The privacy of communication is an integral part of Human Rights. The right for private communication is secured in every constitution of every developed country, but unfortunately everyone forgot about it. No one thinks about you when an additional law comes out discriminating the last set of your inalienable human rights for freedom of expression of your thoughts, ideas, words and feelings.
IT corporations are analyzing all of your data which includes your preferences, your movements, your calls, your contact lists and conversations in social networks. It is difficult to predict the increased effectiveness of such methods five years from now. These analyses allow corporations to improve their monetization on you and successfully sell it to the government for further analysis of dissidence and any potential interactions with untrustworthy individuals from the government`s perspective. With time, this paranoid trend would be getting stronger. By being indifferent now, you consciously agree with the fact that your freedom can be taken away.
8. Together we can make communication secure
The only solution to this problem is full decentralization. Everything that has a center is vulnerable. Decentralized network cannot be controlled which makes it extremely powerful. What else can help to protect your data? Encryption! which is our strongest weapon. Encrypted messages can spread through the network without barriers and the government would only guess the contents of the messages and the parties involved. With our messenger, you have got an ideal tool to keep you communication private and secure..
9. Utopia is already here, it was developed with soul especially for you. Join the revolution, join millions of other people to whom Freedom means a lot
Only you can return Privacy to your communication and make this important step towards freedom in our society. While developing Utopia we listened to the concerns, ideas and wishes of tens of thousands of people from all around the world. Now we have developed the instrument that would help you return the freedom of expression and privacy of communication back into your life.
10. What are the features of Utopia Ecosystem and how does it work?
Utopia is a decentralized network, with no central server involved in data transmission or storage. The network is supported by people who use it and deliver high quality features that offer a lot of value. With Utopia you can send instant text and voice messages, transfer files, create group chat and channels to run a blog, news feed and conduct a private discussion. A channel can be geotaged using integrated uMaps which simplifies search of Utopia channels worldwide as well as adds additional security so that there is no need to use public maps.
All financial functionality can be found in Utopia built-in uWallet: make and accept payments denominated in Utopia cryptocurrency Crypton, accept payments at your website, pay by Crypto Cards without revealing you Public Key or bill fellow Utopia users for your services. Other features include API for fast and easy integration, ability to tunnel data between user who owns an uNS name and any other network user, allowing websites to be hosted inside Utopia.
11. You are a participant of an evolution based on the principle of integrity of your personal information
Freedom exists, but only for those who truly need it. By protecting your own individual freedom you promote the evolution of humankind and with your help, we can move on to the next stage of human development – the self-regulating society.
12. The self-regulating society
By putting all of our time and resources into this instrument for free individuals, we sincerely strive to come to an ideal society that would regulate itself using the logical and mathematical algorithms and analysis based on thousands of years worth of experience of existing civilizations. We want to see the development of unbiased courts and decentralized networks that would make decisions based on power of Humane Society. We want to see the real ruling power of people based on the fact that the law is created by masses and not by individuals who can benefit from it. We want to see a global decentralized voting and referendum system based on cryptography and math.
The future is born at this moment and contribution of every individual into this secure instrument for communication would help us a lot to get closer to the truly humane, totally free and decentralized society.
Let`s make it happen!